Frogyo Studio

Frogyo is a new design group based in South Korea and the UK and they create solutions for problems they focus on in various formats ranging from product design, furniture design and art. Having goals of solving environmental and social problems, they have a sense of responsibility to create a design that allows for sustainable consumption and production. Currently, their focus lies with studying and experimenting with resources that are being wasted or unused to find their potential as new material and design a product that enables a circular economy by utilizing those. 

Frogyo는 한국과 영국을 기반으로하는 신진 디자인 그룹이며, 제품디자인, 가구디자인, 예술 등 다양한 형태로 그들이 집중한 문제에 대해 솔루션을 도출한다. 이들은 환경 및 사회적 문제의 해결에 목표를 두고, 지속가능한 소비와 생산이 가능한 디자인을 실현하는 것이 이들의 책임이라 말한다. 현재 이들이 가장 집중하고 있는 것은, 낭비되거나 남겨지는 자원을 연구하고 실험하여 새로운 material로써의 가능성을 발견함과 동시에, 이를 활용하여 순환경제를 가능하게 하는 제품을 디자인하는 것이다.


Dayun is a designer/design strategist based in Korea and the UK. She has a background in industrial engineering and also studied visual/Motion Graphic Design for a long period. Furthermore, she worked as a design strategist in a start-up pursuing social values and gained experience in various design thinking projects. Afterward, she moved to the UK to study interior design at Brighton and now she is taking Design Products(MA) at the Royal College of Art. Her multidisciplinary perspective allows her to express deep empathy of people and a strong passion for environmental/social problems in a logical and creative design.


Sangyo is a product designer based in Seoul. She studied interior design at Domus Academy, Italy and graduated from Kingston University London with MA in Product & Furniture Design. She has a wealth of design knowledge in diverse fields and her artistic dispositions make her engage in creative and expressive art activities with passion. She yearns for a design that moves people’s hearts and contributes to society.